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   9 Mystic Dwellings
   4 "Wheels of Fire"," ","
   3 ","Ocean","
   2 ","Sound       : 
   2 ","Playability : 
   2 ","Code Masters","
   2 ","","Graphics    : 
   1 sent. You can  also edit your own mini-mag. So,if you want fame and (maybe)    fortune, then write to the      address on page 106, putting 
   1 s/s 8 Toggles SCREEN and normal     n Top of listing
   1 at thefirst line and a 
   1 after title
   1 You may even need a new ROM, thebest place for this is the      Maplin catalogue.  If you know  anyone with an EPROM PROGRAMMER,then you could even make a new  custom ROM.  More info on this  on 169
   1 Wilts. BA14 0NP
   1 When you are ready, then get theIntroduction manual and work    through it from start to finish.If there's anything you don't   understand, then go through the chapter again.  As you go along,make easy-to-understand notes inyour little notebook, so if you forget, you can refer to that   rather than go through the      manual again.
   1 When loaded, you are greeted    with a prompt at the top of the screen and after that, every-   thing seems normal, just type   in or load your programs.  When you are ready to compile, you   must pop in a 
   1 Turbo Outrun:40914,0 Stops clock","
   1 Trowbridge","
   1 Trading Post
   1 To use, press the EXTEND key,   then any of these keys...","
   1 To use graphics T & U normally  reserved for SPECTRUM and PLAY, 
   1 To run your compiled program,   you just type 
   1 To protect your program, save   it with this line:","","
   1 To make the 'news easier to typein, I included a few utilities, and didn't remove them.  The    first is the nice readable font.I don't have to tell you about  it but I like to share my work, but this font is MINE and       designed  by me, so if I see it in a game,and no credit given tome, then expect to be sued.","","
   1 To a Spectrum near you, issue 3 of Alchnews.  The next issue is also 
   1 This section will include pokes for all games, old or new.      Whatever is sent will be printedNext issue however, this sectionwill be just for games as the   programming tips will be in a   longer Tec Sec.","
   1 This section will also be laid  out differently each issue,     depending on the amount of ad's recieved for each section.","
   1 This month:  First moves.  How  to put your PAW pak to good use.
   1 This is PD from Micronet.  The  code is from 63999 and 248 byteslong.  The hours and minutes areset by POKEing addresses 64026- 64029.  To show the clock, RAND USR 64001","","
   1 The main menus, containers, the flags and whatever else may comein use.","If you are a 48 user, then you  have to keep loading in differntbits in at different times, the next page gives a useful way to save time whizzing through the  tape.
   1 The input are read by a simple  IN command.  The outputs can be switched on/off.  The delay     alarm gives you 10 seconds to   turn it off until a 120dB alarm sounds!
   1 The graphics are faultless, in  a stunning 3D wireframe effect, the courses look like real      roller coasters. The sound lacksa little on 48 machines, but 128owners get a nice engine roar.  The playability is fast and the car isn't sluggish at all.  The option to practise as well as   race is also welcomed as you canfamilliarise yourself with the  courses.","Graphics   : 
   1 The font is at location 64248   and is 768 bytes long.  To use  it you must POKE 23606,248 and  POKE 23607,249."
   1 Telford","
   1 THE CLOCK: Press ~B~ to set it
   1 TEL: 0446 732765
   1 South Glamorgan CF6 8HD","
   1 So, what do you do?  Well, the  first thing I did was to remove each large chip, one by one.    Then, where the chips were, I'd put in some chip holder sockets.Then, carefully put the chips   back in place.  Now, if one     blows, just remove & replace.
   1 So, until next time, bye for nowand thanx for reading 
   1 So now, you can turn around and do a stunt again or even switch from th race course to the stuntcourse
   1 Skooldaze: 63935,255 63937,0    Infinite Lines","
   1 Sick of your old Speccy Rom?    Well no more! Just follow this  article each issue and you can  replace the font, have a new    start up message, re-program theudgs and even alter the keywordsand error messages!
   1 Shropshire TF4 2QJ
   1 Send only one character, so it  will send a space or enter and  you can enter your data when youare on-line.","
   1 Re-released by KIXX Software at `3.99  This came first came out at very early 1989.  The main   object of the game is to drive aturbocharged stunt car around a series of roller-coaster tracks.The game is set in Cookimation, the typical standard of menus,  demos, practices and neat fonts of Pete Cooke (Tau Ceti / Micro-naut fame).  You get the chance to compete in competitions      against an opponent.
   1 Power drift is the final game,  and in my opinion, absolulety   reeks of Sega style games.  Its reminiscent of Hang On & Buggy  Boy.  The game however is fun   and fast and VERY competitive.  But the style is the same as allother Sega driving games.
   1 Pokes needed for POWER DRIFT    and Stunt Car Racer
   1 Pacland: 35808,0 Lives","
   1 POKE 23611,221
   1 POKE 23611,205
   1 POKE (PEEK 23677+256*PEEK 23638),255:SAVE ~program~ LINE 0
   1 PAWOVR1      4585    34217      PAWOVR2      1186    30818      PAWOVR3      3679    33311      PAWOVR4      2785    32507      PAWOVR5      2147    31779      PAWOVRH (HUNK)955    30587      
   1 Operation Wolf: 40722,0 40756,0 Infinite Ammo & Immunity","
   1 OVERLAY     LENGTH     END   ","
   1 OVERALL: 98%
   1 ON - 65123
   1 OFF- 65133
   1 Not many requests this month,   but I would like a 64 or 40 col print routine which also prints the keywords.","
   1 None of these work until ENTER  has been pressed.  If you know  any more, let me know.","`"
   1 Next is Chase HQ, the fantastic game of chasing and eventually  the apprehension of criminals.  This game is famous for its     great digitised speech of 'Lets Go Mr Driver!'.  The graphics   are excellent, as is the sound. This must be one of the best    Spectrum driving games of all   time. The only fault is the timeallowed to catch the criminal,  the high 'gottem' indicator and the minimal turbos
   1 NEW EDIT: If you RAND USR 65123 and go an edit a line, you can  now move UP and DOWN as well as across.  Note, you can't have   CLOCK and EDIT working togther. To turn off edit, RAND USR 65133or RUN or turn on the clock.
   1 Mystic     Dwellings
   1 More next time.
   1 Line 1450- modify to FOR i=o to LEN Q$-1
   1 Last year, I built a little box featuring two switches and two  little LEDS.  It needs no power and makes a nice little extra   in your programs.  From next    issue, I will start a step by   step guide into buildng your ownlittle I/O box!  If you don't   want to make one, then we can   supply one for `9 inc. P+P
   1 Joyce Cook","
   1 In every issue will be a step bystep guide on how to get more   from the PAW utility.  If the   interest is high, then we will  include a small adventure you   can type in."," ","
   1 If you get occasional coloured  blocks on the screen, then TR4  (the ZTX650) has failed.  These are found near the wire wound   coils.","
   1 If any owner of an Eprom Prog-  rammer would like to help with  this article and make some cash then get in touch.
   1 IF PEEK 23388<>16 THEN PRINT    ~You are in 48 mode~","`"
   1 I would also like some music    demos, and if they're good then I will pay you a %age of        Alchnews if we feature them on  tape.
   1 I have the 'Wheels of Fire'     compilation and CHASE HQ won't  work, so if someone with an     ORIGINAL copy of CHASE HQ will  test it for me and if it works  for them will swap it.  I will  also pay a couple of quid for   doing so.","
   1 I first got hold of a copy of   this from the Spectrum Software Hire Club (see Trading Post), toreview, but after a couple of   days of continuous use, I       decided to buy it!  What you getis a tape containing a 48 and a 128 version, and a nice manual. You also get some example progs which accompany a 'learn'       section in the manual.  Hisoft  have a good reputation for a    high standard of software and   this one doesn't let them down.",
   1 Hi Dave L. Hope you're enjoying the job!","","
   1 Hi Alec! Thanks for M.D.
   1 Here are some prices if you wanta custom box making. Remember   you are allowed 2 inputs and 2  outputs ONLY!
   1 Have a longer ID input so if youare using a BB you can enter    your name or diffrent length ID.
   1 Hate: 53216,14 - Lives","
   1 Hard Drivin is a conversion of  the arcade classic driving      simulator. All the main featuresof the original are here in a   scaled down version.  The sound is only available on the 128's. The game is good fun, but       playability is marred by slow   speed due to the solid shaded   graphics and small quirky errors
   1 Hard Drivin 48:41981,0 41927,0  Stops BOTH clocks","
   1 Hard Drivin 128: Ram Page 2     58328,0 58385,0 Stops BOTH      clocks.","
   1 HKM: 40522,0 - Lives","
   1 Gutes Neue Yahre!","","
   1 Gremlins by AdventureInternational.
   1 Gilsoft","
   1 For adventure tips & pokes, see 'Mystic Dwellings' on 170
   1 First up is Turbo Outrun, the   successor to the famous Outrun. In this episode you must drive  your Ferrari F40 across the USA.You drive through 16 stage      'states' in the alloted time    limit.  Like Outrun, you have   the standard Lo/Hi gears, but   now you can have an Auto car,   and are blessed with a turbo    boost (Temp permitting) and a   bonus of new accelerator or     tyres after four stages
   1 Exolon: Define keys as ZOBRA","
   1 Don't forget, ads are FREE and  we will cater for anything.  Seeeach independant page for more  details.
   1 Don't forget our section on the 128 keypad port and our special offer of the 'magic button' I/O device.  Supplies are limited,  but we'll give regular readers  first refusal!  We also want to hear from readers who can run   specialist sections and user    groups for hardware like the    Opus or particular printers and support groups for software likeQuill, PAW, GAC, 3D-CK or HisoftBasic or Pascal.  If anyone     would like to run a machine codesection, then get in touch.
   1 Doctor Dark
   1 Disable the LOG ON/OFF token at the bottom of the screen so you can log on even if it says 
   1 Dave: Where's the BB gorn?","","
   1 Chase HQ2: 40382,183
   1 Beith, Ayrshire, Scotland.","
   1 Are you a 128 user wanting to   extend your peripheral library? Well, want no more and put the  KEYPAD socket to good use!","
   1 Alter line 1440- LEN Q$=99999","
   1 Alter LS in line 1100 to 99999","
   1 Allie: I luv You","","
   1 ARNOLD II","
   1 AN2C      y
   1 A.R. accepts NO responsibility  if you bugger your computer up!
   1 ;" Bytes free left **":
   1 ;"     ";(65536
   1 43122,192 ECM & Cloak Device","
   1 43087,1  Galactic Hyperspace
   1 43086,1  Docking Computer","
   1 43085,1  Energy Unit","
   1 43084,1  Enegry Bomb","
   1 43083,1  Escape Pod","
   1 43082,1  Fuel Scoops","
   1 43081,201 No Aliens","
   1 43079,1  ECM","
   1 43078,1  Lg Cargo Bay","
   1 43076,x   Fuel","
   1 43075,1   Galactic Chart &            chance to save the planet!","
   1 43049-51 Cash","
   1 42870,0   Infinite Missiles
   1 32 Dursley Road","
   1 23613,84  Normal","
   1 23613,82  Disable Break","
   1 23570,16  Stop program being    LISTed.
   1 23570,10  Disable EDIT","
   1 200  The End"," ","
   1 2 Park cresent","
   1 190  Next Issue","
   1 187  Hisoft BASIC Compiler
   1 183-186  Wheels of Fire compilation","
   1 181  Stunt Car Racer","
   1 180  Reviews and Re-Releases","
   1 170  Mystic dwellings","
   1 169  A custom ROM"
   1 167  Make a 'Magic Button'","
   1 165  Secret Utils in Alchnews","
   1 163  Spectrum 128 'keypad' keys","
   1 161  Cheap Repairs: DIY","
   1 160  The TECH. SEC.","
   1 16 Montgomery Avenue","
   1 150  The Trading Post","
   1 145  More from PAW","
   1 130  Hints, Tips and Pokes","
   1 120  Letters and Soapbox","
   1 115  Mini Mag: What it is","
   1 103 Chiltern Gardens","
   1 101  Front Ends and News","
   1 10. Ninja Collection
   1 .","Graphics     : 
   1 .  Romantic Robot      claim that they're moving away  fom 8 bits.  My advice to anyoneout there with a bit of money isto buy what they can.  When the sale is over and anybody has    missed one, I guarantee they'll pay about 15-20% more than what you paid for it.  Perhaps R.R.  are behind the new 'multiface'  for the console machines. `160  buys you an interface and 3.5~  drive.  The box allows you to   copy cartridges, alter sprites, save positions and POKE lives!","`" 
   1 *****","Sound      : 
   1 ****","Playability: 
   1 ****","Overall    : 90%
   1 ****","Overall      : 90%"
   1 ***","Sound        : 
   1 ***","Playability  : 
   1 ** SET CLOCK**
   1 ** SAVE / LOAD **
   1 ** NEW EDIT **
   1 ** CHECK MEM **
   1 * Neat, correctly spelt text","
   1 * If you can't draw, then DON'T   People favour text these days   as you can imagine the scenes.
   1 * Good Storyline","
   1 * Good Fonts- don't just use the  ones given, write a new one","
   1 * Don't make it too hard to map-  If it can't be mapped, it will  not be played again.","
   1 * Don't make it too difficult","
   1 'Mystic  Dwellings'
   1 "You shouldn't see this!"," ","This page was hidden away out ofyour sight, but well done for   noticing it! Your reward? Well, I'll knock 
   1 "Xchange","`"
   1 "WELCOME"," ","Hi, and welcome to the full     version of Alchnews!  You're    seeing a fully working copy now,but we've had some real troubleshere at A.R. Firstly, we could  only get the code for it to run on a 128 machine. Then, it took a month to get it working       properly.  We waited two months for a 48 version of the code,   but no joy! So, rather than riska copyright sue, I decided to   resort to 48 basic (which we allhave!) so I can include colour  and a clock!","Have fun!","`"
   1 "The VTX 5000 Modem"," ","A nice little comms tool, but   here are some tips to get more  from it:","
   1 "The Telesoft Experiment"," ","We aim to include some utilitiesbut wish to do so in an encoded way for two reasons:","1:For more reliability","2:To allow only premium readers   to get the programs."," ","The format we will use will be  Telesoft or Progmail (CET).     Members of Micronet should be   familliar with this format.",";","`"
   1 "The Overlays"," ","Buy 5 blank C10 tapes.  Cut     them down to about 5 minutes    each and then copy each overlay onto each tape, once on each    side. Label them and you can    easily load in the overlay when requested, without having to do any tape searching.  The address-es for each overlay is as so...","
   1 "The Clock"," ","
   1 "TRADING POST","","151:  Buying","152:  Selling","153:  Xchange","154:  Penpals","155:  Lonely Hearts","156:  Contacts","157:  Fanzines","158:  Messages","159:  Misc. / Addresses","","
   1 "THE MANUALS"," ","If you bought the full `16 pack of PAW, then you will have got 3manuals with it.  The quick     reference is worth photocopying as you will refer to that a lot.", "
   1 "TEC. SPEC. SEC."," ","What the hell, they all mean thesame!  Welcome to the Spectrum  Technical Section.  Heres what  we have in this month..."," ","
   1 "Stunt Car: Verdict"," ","
   1 "Stunt Car Racer"," ","
   1 "Selling","`"
   1 "SOFTWARE NEWS"," ","Not much happening this month.  The only big release is
   1 "SOAPBOX"," ","No soapbox this month.","`"
   1 "Reviews"," ","This month, we examine some new releases and some oldies from   1988 brought back...","","
   1 "Programming"," ","Some helpful programming tips:","
   1 "Program Protection"," ","
   1 "Penpals","`"
   1 "Pages 192-198 are blank","`"
   1 "Pages 126-129 are Empty.","`"
   1 "PRICE LIST","","
   1 "PAGES 116-119 are blank","`"
   1 "Our Address"," ","ALCHNEWS","ALCHEMIST RESEARCH","62 Tithe Barn Lane","Woodhouse","Sheffield","South Yorks.","S13 7LN","If you also write to which      department you need, it will getthere quicker. Eg: LETTERS,     CONTRIBUTIONS, HELPLINE, TRADINGPOST etc.","All letters are replied via     Alchnews, but if you need pref. treatment, then enclose an SAE  (and tape if neccessary.","`"
   1 "OTHER NEWS"," ","What happened to 
   1 "No more","`"
   1 "No more letters","`"
   1 "No More"," ","`"
   1 "Mystic Dwellings","I  think it would be best to    kick off this great new section with a list of adventure companies and adventure fanzines where you can buy all the latest and  greatest games from, so have a  gander at these and if there areany that you haven't heard of   then send them a SAE and they'llsend you all the information youneed to know.","Feast your eyes on this lot...","","Atlas Adventure Software","67 Lloyd Street","Llandudno, Gwynedd, LL30 2YP","","G.I. Games","11 West Mayfield, Edinburgh.","EH9 1TF.",";","`"
   1 "Messages"," ","
   1 "Make a 'MAGIC BUTTON'"," ","
   1 "MULTIFACE POKES"," ","
   1 "MORE FROM PAW"," ","
   1 "MINUTE (0-59)? ";G:
   1 "MINI MAG"," ","This is a 5 page section which  is written and edited by YOU.","All you have to do is write fivepages of whatever you want and Iinclude it! One point I must    stress is that if theres        anything obscene or illegal, it will be edited.","But if you want to write about  train spotting, bogeyography,   chip wrapper collections or     anything you want to inform the world about, then study how we  make AlchNews and send in your  data.","
   1 "Lonely Hearts","`"
   1 "Letter No.2"," ","Alec Carswell, the writer of 
   1 "LETTERS"," ","Well, obviously, we've not had  any concerning Alchnews, but twoother recent ones.","The first by D. Smith of Bristol","Danny asked if there were any   adventure creators still around.Well, yes.  If you bought the   JAN'92 Your Sinclair, you will  have got GAC free.  If anyone   else did, then I urge you to getin contact with incentive to tryand get a manual.  You can also buy a small book: the GAC       Writers handbook with gives you lots of help",";","`"
   1 "Keypad keys (2)"," ","
   1 "How it works"," ","Basically, the program is coded into a long line of hexadecimal and shown on the screen.  The   reader then loads in a decoder  program which reads the data andconverts it to the program.","A typical Telesoft screen       appears on the next page",";","`"
   1 "Hisoft Basic (3)"," ","
   1 "Hisoft Basic (2)"," ","
   1 "Hard Drivin"," ","Enter the pokes on page 131 and you can roam the land!  One pokestops the clock in the bottom ofthe viewing window and the otherstops the ten second counter    from going down when you stray  off the track!","
   1 "HOUR (1-12)? ";G:
   1 "HISOFT BASIC"," ",  "
   1 "HINTS, TIPS & POKES"," ","131-137   GAMES","138-142   PROGRAMMING","143-144   REQUESTS","","
   1 "HELP PROGS!"," ","
   1 "HELP GAMES!"," ","
   1 "HARDWARE NEWS"," ","The biggie around at the moment is the mass sale of the
   1 "GET MORE UDGS IN 128 MODE"," ","
   1 "Features"," ","Before you write your adventure,make sure that you have followedsome key points:","","
   1 "FUTURE ATTRACTIONS"," ","Look out for a VERY             comprehensive trading post.  A  subscriber only software area   (see 112), prize competitions, aneat little comms section, a    fully dedicated help section,   solutions to adventures, and a  special offer of FREE ISSUES forblock subscibers.","The more input and support we   get, the better the magazine    will be.","We also want to showcase your   talent, so if you have a good   game or adventure,  advertise   HERE for 
   1 "FRONT ENDS"," ","102   Welcome","103   Software News","104   Hardware News","105   Other News","106   
   1 "FIRST MOVES"," ","So, you've just bought PAW- whatdo we do now?","First thing is to make a copy ofthe entire PAW tape and put the original in a safe dark place.  Also, buy a little notebook and copy out all the best bits out  of the manual.  These include...
   1 "FANZINES"," ","ZAT: Spectrum & Sam","In my opinion, THE fanzine for  Sam owners. (I'm in it too!)","Includes a PD library","
   1 "ELITE CONTINUED"," ","
   1 "ELITE 128 POKES"," ","43071-43074,x : Lasers on all 4 sides where x=","1-Pulse","2-Beam","3-Military","4-Mining","","
   1 "DIY PT.2"," ","The most common fault is the ULA(the 40 pin chip on the left).  If it crashes reqularly, then   this is broken.  A ULA will costabout `12-15.","
   1 "Continued..."," ","Quill and Illustrator is much   better for text adventures and  is still available from GILSOFT","PAW, the seccessor to Quill     features the same as Quill and  Illustrator and caters for 128  owners allowing 120k adventures!Find the address for Gilsoft andIncentive in the Trading Post.  Write or phone for prices first.",";","`"
   1 "Contacts"," ","The Spectrum Software Hire club","","Excellent recent games and very competitive prices","","
   1 "Coming Soon..."," ","
   1 "Charts","
   1 "CUSTOM ROM"," ","
   1 "COMPETITION"," ","To coincide with a letter we    recieved this month, the requestis for a FULL solution to the   adventure, 
   1 "Buying","`"
   1 "BASIC REPAIRS: DIY"," ","No doubt, you have been 'stung' by computer repair shops and    paid at least `15 on a repair.  So what do you pay for?  Well,  the blown chip in question costsabout `5, the rest is labour.","","
   1 "Addresses"," ","Incentive Software","Zephyr One","Calleva Park","Aldermaston","Berkshire RG7 4QW"," ","
   1 "ALCHNEWS2"
   1 "ALCHNEWS 48 BASIC"," ","
   1 "128 Keypad Keys"," ","Spectrum 128's should have been fitted with a keypad to the     socket on the back, but for someunknown reason, then weren't    included.  The pads contained   keys which did most wordpro fn'slike move right by word, go to  end of line etc.","","
   1 "..."," "," "," ","
   1 "..."," ","
   1 ","The solution MUST work and be   either typed, word processed or written NEATLY.  I don't want   any splodgy biro specials.","Send the solution to COMPETITIONand the address on page 106","The prize will either be free   software or a free sub to       Alchnews!  There is no closing  date, the first correct answer  wins.","`"
   1 ","Sound      : 
   1 ","Psygnosis","
   1 ","Playability: 
   1 ","Overall    : 95%","`"
   1 ","Overall     : 92%","`"
   1 ","Overall     : 85%","`"
   1 ","One problem though, we will needto get hold of an EPROM         programmer or if you don't mind customising your MULTIFACE then you're on your way!","
   1 ","Ocean","`"
   1 ","Next time, we cover more on PAW,a new comms section, a longer   Tec. Sec.  and many more hints, tips and pokes.  We also have   
   1 ","Mode Casters (oops!)","
   1 ","Krisalis","
   1 ","Graphics   : 
   1 ","Flashing LED: `1.70","Push to make switches: 40p","Slide switches: 40p","PC style 'ignition key': `5","Bulb & holder: 70p","LED & holder: `1.90","Buzzer: `1.20","Delay alarm: TBA","
   1 ","Domark","
   1 ","And hopefully I'll be able to   give you a full review of them  next issue.","`"
   1 ","108   Software Charts","109   Future Attractions","110   Gallery Pic One","111   Competition","112   The Telesoft Experiment","113   Data","114   Data","`"
   1 ","","Welcome to 'Mystic Dwellings'.  My name is Doctor Dark, and I'm here to tell you what's hot and what's not in this,adventurist- -ic, world. As well as reviews, I will also be dishing out a    regular dosage of news,readers  mail, hints'n'tips,readers viewsspecial features plus many more tantalizing adventure articles. Any-one who sends in any  worthycontributions(be it a couple of solutions to old or new games,  or new  adventure games to      review),will recieve a free copyof my excellent tapezine...     Adventure-Link as long as you   mention AlchNews in your letter.",";","`"
   1 ","","The Adventure Club","14 Brooks St,","Llandudno, Gwynedd, LL30 2TT","","Flexibase Software","20 The Parklands","Droitwich Spa, Worcs. WR9 7DG.","","And now the list of adventure   fanzines...","","Red Herring","504 Ben Jonson House,","Barbican, London. EC2Y 8DL.","","From Beyond","36 Globe Place","Norwich, Norfolk, NR2 2SQ",";","`"
   1 ","","Tartan Software","61 Bailie Norrie Cresc.","Montrose, Angus, Scotland. DD10 9DT","","FBPD","36 Globe Place","Norwich, Norfolk, NR2 2SQ","","River Software","44 Hyde Place","Aylesham, Canterbury, Kent. CT3 3AL","","Zenobi Software","26 Spotland Tops","Cutgate, Rochdale, Lancs. OL12 7NX",";","`"
   1 ","","SAM Adventure Club Diskzine","43 Ferndale Road, Hall Green,","Birmingham,West Midlands B28 9AU","","Coming Soon...","","The next adventure to be        released from Compass Software  is going to be called","
   1 ","","John (The  Balrog) Wilson will  soon be releasing some more new games this month and one of themwill be the follow  up  to the  great game PHOENIX (which won a Golden Gauntlet award in the    From Beyond adventure fanzine a few months ago).  The follow up is called: 'VIOLATOR OF VOODOO',and it'll be out shortly with   these other new games,which are:","
   1 ","","Adventure-Link","16 Montgomery Avenue","Beith, Ayrshire, Scotland. KA15 1EL","","Bare-Bones","10 Tavistock Street,","Newland Avenue, Hull, HU5 2LJ","","Adventure Probe","67 Lloydd St, Llandudno, Gwynedd, LL30 2YP","","Adventure Coder","(One of the best fanzines for PAW users)","3 West Lane","Baildon, Nr Shipley, West YorkS.","BD17 5HD",";","`"
   1 "," ","To enable the cloaking device,  press Y to turn it on/off but   beware as it drains energy.","`"
   1 "," ","The ZX3 is manned by a crew of  twenty droids which have all    malfunctioned and have purposelywrecked the sub causing it to   sink in the deepest part of the Atlantic ocean which is approxi-mately 14 miles down.","The mission of Anttilis is goingto be a very difficult one as   it is believed that the twenty  droid crew are now extremely    hostile. Also, with radiation   leaks andsevere structural      damage to the  ZX3, analmost    impossible task awaits the pilotof the Anttilis (and guess what?the pilot of Anttilis is you!).",";","`"
   1 "," ","The Guild","760 Tyburn Road,","Erdington, Birmingham, B24 9NX","","Delbert The Hamster Software","9 Orchard Way,","Flitwick, Bedfordshire, MK45 1LF","","Compass Software","111 Mill Road","Cobholm Island,","Gt. Yarmouth, Norfolk. NR31 OBB","","F.S.F. Adventures","40 Harvey Gardens","Charlton, London SE7 8AJ",";","`"
   1 "," ","Sadly, I'm afraid that's all    I've got time for this issue butin the next one I'll be review- ing some excellent compilation  packs and I'll also be starting up some new sections, like a    helpline and P.D. adventure     section. So don't miss 
   1 "," ","ADVENTURE-LINK: For the Spectrumwritten on PAW!  The tapezine   includes in-depth revues, tips, and full support for any        adventurer.  See the 
   1 "***** !!! H.E.L.P. !!! *****"," ","Yes, I'm looking for more staff.I'm not fussy, if you have a    talent and would like the world to see it, then get in touch!","I need games reviewers and inputfor the hints/tips/pokes bit.   I also want letters and         classified ad's.  There will be an art gallery with a prize for the best 
   1 "*** THE END ***"," ","Sadly, this issue has come to anend. But, don't worry because   Issue 3 is now underway and     should be out in April! Hello   time!  I'd just like to say     hello to Allie (my girlie): I   love you so much. Yo to Phil,   Danny,Keith,John,Andy,and every-one else from the CB Posse of   Eastern Sheffield!","`"
   1 "*** CREDITS ***"," ","Infinite Thanx to Dave Walker ofD-TEL for the code to print out all the data! Ta to Alec        Carswell and Steve Shepherd for valuable contributions Thanx to me for all the input! and to my Speccy+2 and two plusses for notcrashing on me! Don't forget, Imstill looking for contributors  for issue three. I Can't promisepaying you but I can promise a  free copy and a little fame to  go with it!","`"
   1 " ","^","`"
   1 " "," ","01 Telesoft V1q3","","AFB3CD091236EBBC20E41221C9","BFE01CD011A21001203FE0EFE3","211234FCB901233454CD73EB48","`"
   1  to use them and  
   1  to put them back to normal."," ","
   1  so cash in on our     generosity!  By next issue, we  aim to have a lot of user input so we can make the magazine muchbetter.  We would also like to  know what Spectrum you have so  we can make a special 128       version is support is good.
   1  section for more.","`"
   1  or the On Spec     section in Your Sinclair.","If you have any other problems  with your Spectrum, then read   page 160 before you spend `25+  on repair bills","`"
   1  or access the  menu again.  Also included are  features to erase basic or the  code, variable info and support for the 128 printer.","All in all, this is the best    compiler I have seen in years   and its compatability with most programs is excellent.  It can  cope with mathematical functionsand REAL numbers.  Sadly, only  the tape system isn't supported,which is understandable.  If youare still using an old compiler like ZIP2, then invest in HISOFTtoday! 
   1  onthe 48 or press the two video   buttons on the 128 to access a  menu.  The compiler then checks the basic and gives you all the relevant info.
   1  off the magic     button device for you if you    quote: Tanooki DarkStar when    ordering!","`":
   1  next issue cause     you'll regret it if you do! If  you're stuck on an adventure or have something interesting to   say then write to me at:","","
   1  celebrate    their 5th birthday this year.   Look out for many special offersconnected with this.  Last monthalso saw the 3rd birthday of    Alchnews.  But only now has it  been made publicly available.","`"
   1  atthe end. This tells the compilerwhere to start and finish       compiling the program into code.To compile, you just press 
   1  at the top.","`"
   1  and possibly the    best classified section than anytapezine around.
   1  and hope-fully it'll be  out by the time you read this. 'Ant-tilis' is   the name given to a deep salvagerescue submarine and it's       mission is to dock with an      experimental  nuclear sub calledthe 'ZX3' which has lost contactwith the outside world.",";","`"
   1  This,  in my opinion was a fantastic   'zine.   They recieved lots of  support from S.U. and had good  staff.  The only reasons I can  see are the way they produced   the tape, via Ocean.  Quality   production costs.  Also, they   always used the same boring boldZX Font.","
   1  The plot looks good, lets hope  they decide to make a movie, butlets be honest, it wouldn't be  the same without Harrison Ford.","`"
   1  Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis.
   1  9. Cartoon Collection
   1  8. Super Space Invaders
   1  7. Lemmings
   1  6. Manchester United Europe
   1  5. Dizzy Collection
   1  4. Terminator 2
   1  3. The Simpsons
   1  2. Dizzys Excellent Adventures
   1  1992 Alchemist Research
   1  1. WWF Wrestlemania
   1   ** "; 65536
   1    s/s 2 Start of current line
   1    Mystic Dwellings (page 170)
   1     m  Goto end of current line s/s j  Cursor right one word        i  Cursor left one word         p  Cursor up 10 lines
   1     k  Delete LINE after cursor     j  Delete LINE before csr.      w  Delete WORD after cursor     e  Delete WORD before csr.  s/s k  Delete all after cursor","","
   1      wrote asking of where to get a  new power supply.  Well, the    best idea is to check our own   
   1       t Bottom of listing
   1        ALCHNEWS 48 BASIC        n
   1        ***  PAGE CONTROL ***
   1          MULTIFACE